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Dargent is in Lyon in the centre-east of France.
My name is Doriane. I am
in 4°5. I’m thirteen years old. I work twenty-seven
per week on Mondays, on Tuesdays, on Wednesday mornings, on Thursdays, and on Fridays.
My school subjects
are : French (fives times a week), Spanish (three times a week),
English (three times a week), Maths (four times a week), PE, History, Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Technology and ICT, Arts, Latin.
I have got twenty
I love PE because there
is swimming, it is fun.
They are six
hundred fifty pupils.
School children can do different extra activities at lunchtime. There
are Sports
(football, volleyball, badminton, basketball and judo), Drama,
a Game’s
and a Newspaper
This year, I will be on
stage, and my club is playing « Little
Women »
where I am Laurie.