Collège Professeur Marcel DARGENT
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Site du collège Professeur Marcel Dargent à Lyon.

My school life
Article mis en ligne le 10 avril 2008

Hello !
My name is Marie. I’m fourteen years old and I have got one brother and one sister.

I’ m in high
school "
in Lyon.
I work from Monday to Friday,
from 8 a.m to 12 a.m.
I eat at the
school canteen.
Usually at 1 p.m
there are the drama club, the computer club (...).
start again at 2 p.m and we finish school to 5 p.m.
Wednesdays I finish at 12 a.m, I haven’t school in the afternoon.

I’ve different subjects : P.E ; sciences ; maths ; English ; French ; history and geography ; Spanish or Germain ;
music ; Latin ; technology ; biology and arts.

My school is big with four buildings.

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