Collège Professeur Marcel DARGENT
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Site du collège Professeur Marcel Dargent à Lyon.

My week in 4° in Collège Dargent
Article mis en ligne le 10 avril 2008


Welcome to Collège Dargent. I am
going to tell you about my life in 4°5 !

My secondary school is big, it is great .
It is in Lyon in France. Every day

I walk to school, it starts at 8 am .

I don’t eat at school I eat at home, and I
finish school at 5 pm : I’ve got

Latin !

My name is Dylan. I am 13 years old. I live in
Lyon in Monplaisir Lumière a

quarter. I play volleyball in the volleyball
team on Monday and Thursday

evenings. I don’t have school on wednesday afternoons and at the


bye !

Dans la même rubrique

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My life in Collège Dargent
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