Collège Professeur Marcel DARGENT
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Site du collège Professeur Marcel Dargent à Lyon.

Information about our clubs
Article mis en ligne le 8 novembre 2012

Présentations de certains clubs du collège par des élèves de 3ème2 et 3ème4 ... en anglais.


The English Club will start soon. It’s on Mondays at 1 pm with the school supervisor Max .You can register at school life office if you want to join the club. The slogan of this year is “Shakespeare with us and discover English in a new way”. We are going to practice English ! Like watching movies in English with subtitles in English and listening to music (rock, R’n’B, hip hop ) and translate them into French.
The aim of this club is to practice English in a funny way and a good atmosphere.....

Arriana & Hedy


The organizers  :
The organizers are Mr Poirier, Mrs Milliani and Mrs Madec-Surzur.

Presentation  :
They prepare a show for the end of the year, which is taken from “The Ghost of Canterville”. Now, the actors are doing breathing (respiration) exercises, The mirror game, but they are also doing a lot of improvisation.
There are about 20 people.

The rules :
There are some rules in the club :
 You must speak up !
 You have to listen the advice of the animators,
 You have to learn your lines,
 You must believe in yourself,
 You must be quiet,

So, this club is for you if you love drama ! We say welcome to you !!

Fleur, Salomé & Sirine


I choose to present the table tennis club which is composed of seventeen members.
It is the sport teacher Mrs LEFAOU who takes care of the club.
Registration is at the beginning of year . Trainings are on Wednesdays between 12.45 and 14.45 in the afternoon . They take place under the school’ s covered playground . During the year there are about eight competitions which always are on Wednesdays . When there is a competition there is no training . The members must be motivated and disciplined . They also must help to take and arrange the tables at every training.



This sports association begins at one o’ clock and finishes at two o’ clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We can register at the beginning of the year, we must pay thirteen euros. The club was created two years ago by a gym teacher. Mrs. Trichon is responsible for it and there are fourty pupils. They practice Volleyball in the school’s gymnasium. On Wednesdays they play matches with teams from other schools. At the end of the year players can get a cup if they are at the first or the second or the third place of the ranking.

Mourith & Benoit


The badminton club is open for everybody :
The training is from 12.30 to 2 pm. on Mondays.
The teachers responsible are Mrs Trichon and Mrs Micol, two sports teachers.
There are fourty members. On Wednesdays, there are competitions.

There are rules to respect if you want to be a member :
 You mustn’t use your cell phone.
 You must have your sportswear.
 You must be on time.
 You must respect the teachers.
 You must take care of your rackets and of your equipment in general.

According to members there is a good atmosphere in this club.

Zacharia & Anaïs


Mrs Gerin, our music teacher, is responsible for the club. There are about 15 pupils who belong to the club.They meet every Monday, from 1 to 2 pm.
In this is club members must be on time, present every Monday, and quiet. They mustn’t use their mobile phones, fight or shout.
If you like singing, if you are fond of music it is great fun, you should join the club.And there is a concert in June at the end of the school year.

Laurie and Ilyas


Welcome to the choir !!!
For this school year 2012/2013, We meet every Monday from 12:45 to 1:45p.m with Evelyne GERIN,in the musical education room.
This choir is composed of many choirs from different school.
Registration was on Monday,September 17 from 12:45. The workshop is open to all interested students.

 you must be serious
 you mustn’t be late
 you mustn’t switch off your cell phone
 you must learn your songs

 you must behave well
 you must remain with groups
 you mustn’t cry in the street

Theme of the opera is influenced by Jazz, entitled by Porguy and Bess. Created by G.GERSHWIN.

Claudie & Sékina


In College Dargent, we have photo club every Monday from 1 to 2 pm, in a classroom.
If you have a passion for photography, join the team. There is a good atmosphere.
We study new perspectives which allows us to discover various point of views.
Well, if you are interested in this club, let’s have fun, you’re welcome.
A few rules :
 We must stay inside the school.
 We mustn’t break the equipment.
 We can share our ideas.
 We must be in groups of 3 or 4 pupils.


Lina & Rawya